![Wispy tendrils of hot dust and gas glow brightly in this ultraviolet image of the Cygnus Loop Nebula, taken by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer. The nebula lies about 1,500 light-years away, and is a supernova remnant, left over from a massive stellar explosion that occurred 5,000-8,000 years ago. The Cygnus Loop extends more than three times the size of the full moon in the night sky, and is tucked next to one of the 'swan’s wings' in the constellation of Cygnus. The filaments of gas and dust visible here in ultraviolet light were heated by the shockwave from the supernova, which is still spreading outward from the original explosion. The original supernova would have been bright enough to be seen clearly from Earth with the naked eye.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Ultraviolet_image_of_the_Cygnus_Loop_Nebula_crop.jpg/553px-Ultraviolet_image_of_the_Cygnus_Loop_Nebula_crop.jpg)
Wispy tendrils of hot dust and gas glow brightly in this ultraviolet image of the Cygnus Loop Nebula, taken by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer. The nebula lies about 1,500 light-years away, and is a supernova remnant, left over from a massive stellar explosion that occurred 5,000-8,000 years ago. The Cygnus Loop extends more than three times the size of the full moon in the night sky, and is tucked next to one of the ‘swan’s wings’ in the constellation of Cygnus. The filaments of gas and dust visible here in ultraviolet light were heated by the shockwave from the supernova, which is still spreading outward from the original explosion. The original supernova would have been bright enough to be seen clearly from Earth with the naked eye.
Good morning, beloved,
I’m late this sweet morning!! 🙂 My apologies, not normal, but my eldest and I were grocery shopping this morning. We were in desparate need of groceries. 🙂
I’m missed my morning ritual…and so I’m moving everyone around this morning and my kids are having a bit of trouble. Sigh. Routine, predictability…who needs it more, them or me?
I need some time in the Word, who’s with me? Last night we embarked officially as a family into Daniel. And everyone caught the fire. I was amazed. I was fed. Normally we have some stragglers who wander but on the whole and for the most part, everyone worked together. Kay Arthur’s kids study isn’t just for kids and then we used the Precepts for Life Daniel study as well. Very good stuff…she ended her talk last night with these verses.
6 Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the First and I am the Last; besides Me there is no God.
7 Who is like Me? Let him [stand and] proclaim it, declare it, and set [his proofs] in order before Me, since I made and established the people of antiquity. [Who has announced from of old] the things that are coming? Then let them declare yet future things.
Composite image of the Earth at night.Data courtesy Marc Imhoff of NASA GSFC and Christopher Elvidge of NOAA NGDC.
Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.8 Fear not, nor be afraid [in the coming violent upheavals]; have I not told it to you from of old and declared it? And you are My witnesses! Is there a God besides Me? There is no [other] Rock; I know not any.
A Hubble Space Telescope image of the R136 super star cluster, near the center of the 30 Doradus Nebula, also known as the Tarantula Nebula or NGC 2070. Converted to JPG from the source TIFF file.NASA, ESA, and F. Paresce (INAF-IASF, Bologna, Italy), R. O’Connell (University of Virginia, Charlottesville), and the Wide Field Camera 3 Science Oversight Committee
So much to say here…I was humbled by these words and their timing in our history. Before I say more about that..allow me to refer you to the names that reveal so much about our Wonderful God!
Due to the commandment against taking the LORD’s Name in vain the Jews early on developed a system that is still used in most Bibles. Whenever the saw God’s Holy Name instead of saying it they said “Adonai” or Lord. In non-Hebrew translations in order to distinguish a lord (like the Lord of the manner) and THE Lord they wrote LORD.
God’s Holy Name is YHVH.
Because the Name is so holy the Jews forgot how to pronounce it — which vowels to insert– (that’s not quite right but close… everything can be debated hehe).
The letters in Hebrew would be Yod He Vav He.
The most likely (and generally accepted) form is: Yahweh (“Yah-way”). Most people who call God (a title that just means “the Good One”) by His name use this pronunciation.
Previously the Holy Name was translated into local languages so in English he was called Jehovah: or JHVH but “Jehovah” is definitely a translation and not a good one at that.
God principle name is Yahweh.
King of Israel– melek– The true King of Israel…YHVH! 🙂 Who originally wanted a king for Israel? Certainly not the LORD, God of Israel!
Redeemer–ga’al-to redeem, act as kinsman-redeemer, avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman..guess who that is? Our beloved Jesus! All praises be to the Kings of Kings!!
First and Last- Our God is eternal. Our God is forever. He is not on a shelf. He has never been made by a hand.
no God besides Me-No comparison! None!
What does this all add up to? He is El Elyon! God Most High! Strongest of the Strong!
So what is our response to this?
Superlative God – surpassing all others
If He is the Most High then what is His perspective on the problems in my life?
Well? How about our perspective on praying for our President, our country, our leaders?
I received this email last night from Vision Forum Ministries:
For two decades, the frog has been in the pot while the temperature has been slowly turned up. Yesterday, it was finally cooked and served to the American people in a sauce so thick as to cover the rancid flavor of the dish.
The process began with the Bush presidencies and their toleration for homosexuality. It was advanced in full by the Clinton Administration. It has now reached its logical zenith under Obama. So we should not be surprised by the official announcement that the President of the United States of America has finally declared to the world his opposition to the historical, common law and biblical meaning of marriage. President Obama may be remembered for many things, but few are as fundamental in its treason to his countrymen, to his oath of office and to the living God, then his decision to use the presidency to redefine a definition of marriage that was established on Day Six of Creation and has been the benchmark of civilization for 6,000 years.
Mark your calendars — May 9, 2012 — the President of the United States of America finally crossed a line from which there is no return without repudiation and repentance. Terrorists are dangerous. The economy is a real and present danger. But there is simply nothing other than the holocaust of the unborn which imperils the safety of our country or places our people in jeopardy as does the leader of the Western world publicly raising his fist at the Heavens and declaring that the bedrock institution of society, ordained of God and meant to be protected by the state, is little more than a convention of convenience for the children of Sodom to transform the meaning of something which is precious to Jesus Christ and a living picture of His love for the Church, into a legally protected justification for perversion, and a vehicle of hatred aimed directly at that love.
What do you think? What is your response? Do you say, oh I’ll pray about that? Oh, I’ll just turn my back. Oh, it’s got to get better. We had better wake up. It is not getting better.
I got another letter as I was typing out this blog today from David Arthur of Precepts International:
Benjamin Franklin was notably one of the least religious of our Founding Fathers, yet he spoke
the following words on June 28, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention:
“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this
truth—that God governs in the affairs of men. . . . I firmly believe this; and . . . I therefore
beg leave to move—that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its
blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed
to business.”
Can you imagine the reaction if one of today’s legislators made that same speech? As a nation,
we have progressively removed prayer from the public square, and our society has greatly
degenerated with each passing year. It seems there is no longer a fear of God before our eyes.
Instead, everyone does what is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6).
I’ve said enough today. Pray on, friends. Pray on!
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