Good morning, beloved,
Again, I will thank you for reading my blog on the Word. I want to express here that I commit to you to prayerfully and patiently consider my words that I write. I will continue to thank the Lord for the ministry given and that it is His. All His, all glory to Him alone because if any good comes from these pages, it is as a result of the Lord’s work in and through me. Not me. I proclaim we serve amazing God who takes our differences and our interpretations of the Word and can make us a body.
We are watching our world fall apart around us and so as I write, the headlines scream of Penn State’s sanctions, the Colorado killer and other tragedies around the world. So as a body of believers the sum total of our disagreements over the Word of God must be, at the day’s end, an agreement to disagree. It does not change our body’s need to be unified. “that they may be one as We [are one].” (John 17:11)
Today is Noah’s surgery. He is having his other leg stretched. 🙂 There’s a technical term for this but basically this is what we are dealing with today. I’m going to bring my blog along and work on it while I wait for him. So stay tuned for the next post!
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