Field of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) with the church of Nuestra Señora de La Blanca in the background, Cardejón, Spain by Poco de poco
Good morning, beloved,
We are starting back to school today. I’ll be honest. I like breaks. I enjoy being able to watch movies with the kids, extended times to read, this past week we were even able to spend time with friends. The break was very good for us. I will also be honest and say, schedule is also very, very good. Physically speaking, I am improved. I’m so grateful for this. Today, I want to start with my thankfuls. Ann Voskamp has a free printable available to encourage your journey (and mine!). You can find it here:
Three graces from people you love:
91. Danny snuggling in last night even when I was grumpy.
92. Luke doing chores yesterday without being asked.
93. Watching Ella sing to her Heavenly Father.
We started with learning the Apostle’s Creed together, set to music. Ella has it down. I love it. My little one belting it out. And when she doesn’t remember a word, she makes one up to fit. 🙂 My plan is to go song by song and learn these great chunks of Scripture and what better place to begin this journey then to declare what we believe. Noah doesn’t really want to sing it so after we listen, he just declares. I’m good with that.
I will say it again, even if you don’t have children, this CD I purchased for download from Sing the Word is amazing and encouraging. You can do it. You can memorize His word. It’s so powerful to know His word to ward off the sly attacks of the enemy.
Ephesians 5: Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].
2 And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a [a]slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance.
Copy Him, follow His example…if I am to copy Him, this picture comes into my mind:
Footsteps in the sand at Tisvildeleje beach, Denmark by Armin Wolfermann (Admean) from Schnaittach, Germany
Walking in His steps, jumping from each footprint to follow Him. Staying in His word which leads and guides, keeping His word in our mind, living thankful lives…
Remembering we are His beloved. Just ponder. His beloved. You are loved. Truly. Deeply.
Walk in love. So as I am loved so beautifully by my Father in heaven, so love must transform my interactions with others.
Hold tight to His hand, beloved. He will never, ever let you go. Pray on. Pray on.
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