sculpture by Barbara Hepworth in Cambridge/U.K. (King’s Fellows Garden) Attila Malarik from Cambridge, United Kingdom
Good morning, beloved,
This morning, I have been quiet before the Lord, listening to music proclaiming His light, His love, His majesty, His mercy. I had a boy snuggling with me this morning and I prayed over him that we could just do a more loving job of loving one another as He has called us. Our communication, this week has been rocky and disjointed. So, we sit together, knowing this is a language we both understand. Under it all, we love each other very much. Combined with not feeling my best, allowing quiet to speak ministering more to him than any words. I think that is a good picture for His love for me this morning. Laying my head on His breast, just allowing Him to sing over me, He quiets me with His love. Today I ask you to listen to the songs. Allow yourself a time of worship.
Quiet…remember. He’s got the whole world in His hands…do you need to remember? You know the song. So do I, but this morning, I am very weepy. Come to the place where you see your need for God. Your need for His touch. Listen. He’s here. He’s so close. You are loved.
I had another round of injections yesterday. I brought my kindle with me this time. I have found with my kindle it has a “text to speech“. As I struggled with a migraine before the procedure, as I lay there, I listened to a book full of wonderful advice. It was good as I lay in the darkness to hear how I can tangibly bless my family financially with the grocery budget, also amazing to keep me calm as I waited with an IV in my arm…
After the injections were done, I was very weepy. I was still in much pain and the injections themselves are painful. Right away, I asked for my kindle and turned on Psalm 103. I calmed. I listened. As it is one of my favorites, I can recite with certain versions. I had somehow chosen a version not familiar. So I listened with new ears, I did not turn it off while the doctors and nurses whisked in and out. I was so much calmer.
Psalm 103: 1·All that I am [T O my soul], ·praise [bless] the Lord;
·everything in me [L all my inward parts], ·praise [bless] his holy name.
2 ·My whole being [T O my soul], ·praise [bless] the Lord
and do not forget all his ·kindnesses [gifts; benefits].
3 He forgives all ·my [or your] ·sins [iniquity]
and heals all ·my [or your] ·diseases [ills].
4 He ·saves [redeems] ·my [or your] life from the ·grave [L pit]
and ·loads [or crowns] ·me [or you] with ·love [loyalty] and ·mercy [compassion].
5 He satisfies ·me [or you] with good things [L as long as you live; or according to your desires]
and ·makes me young again [L renews your youth], like the eagle [Is. 40:31].
6 The Lord does what is ·right [righteous] and ·fair [just]
for all who are ·wronged by others [oppressed; exploited].
7 He ·showed [revealed] his ways to Moses [Ex. 34:5–7]
and his deeds to the ·people [sons] of Israel.
8 The Lord shows ·mercy [compassion] and ·is kind [grace].
He ·does not become angry quickly [is slow to anger], and he has great ·love [loyalty; 86:15;145:8–9; Ex. 34:6–7; Neh. 9:17. 31; Joel 2:13; Jon. 4:2].
9 He will not always ·accuse [charge; contend with] us,
and he will not ·be angry forever [L keep watch forever].
10 He ·has not punished us as our sins should be punished [L does not act toward us according to our sins];
he has not repaid us ·for the evil we have done [L according to our iniquity].
11 As high as the ·sky [heaven] is above the earth,
so great is his ·love [loyalty] for those who ·respect [fear] him [Prov. 1:7].
12 He has taken our ·sins [transgressions] away from us
as far as the east is from west.
13 The Lord has ·mercy [compassion] on those who ·respect [fear] him [Prov. 1:7],
as a father has ·mercy [compassion] on his children.
14 He knows how we were ·made [formed];
he remembers that we are dust [Gen. 2:7; 3:19; Job 4:19; 10:9; 34:15; Eccl. 3:20; 12:7].
Take the Joy Dare (Ann Voskamp)(free on Ann Voskamp’s website!):
Today: Something Above, Below, Beside
My thankfuls:
103. I’m so thankful for rain drenching the ground, our family is praying our lake is full by spring time.
104. I’m thankful for mud tracking in on our white floors. Hold on…it’s a metaphor for me. One, a quick swipe with a hot soapy mop…gone. Reminder, God’s the hot soapy mop in my life. 🙂 Two…is my next thankful.
105. I’m thankful for all the footprints for they represent. We are breath.
I’ve now heard this song twice this morning.
Pray on. Pray on.
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