My Ella just yelled and I came running. A spider! I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of spiders. I couldn’t see it. I’m looking and looking and finally E points and my eyes focus. The spider is hanging in the doorframe. I couldn’t see it until it was pointed out to me and my eyes saw it.
I’ve wanted to write about this story for quite awhile. i remember my Noah giving a talk on this passage when he was younger and sharing also Chris Tomlin’s song, “White Flag”.
What’s the story?
“So he sent horses and chariots and a powerful army there. They came by night and surrounded the city. The servant of the man of God got up early and went out, and behold, there was an army with horses and chariots encircling the city. Elisha’s servant said to him, “Oh no, my master! What are we to do?” Elisha answered, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “Lord, please, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servants eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha.”
2 Kings 6:14-17 AMP
My first wonder. Did Elisha see like this all the time? Could he see the angels of heaven surrounding him all the time? Or. Did he know that he was always surrounded and was confident of the truth. Either schools me.
I know the truth. I know what the Bible says. My brain argues, you also know the little bit of suffering and questions you have asked. Is God here? Is he going to help me now? And right there. Right there is where the kernel of doubt creeps in.
I have the truth right in front of me.
1. I have the word of God to remind me in the times. Any time. The more I spend in the word, the more it changes me. I have so far to go. I think of the last 24 hours and how the word could have sculpted my thoughts and actions so much more. I have it though. I remember it. I may not remember chapter and verse, but I remember his word.
2. I have experience with the living God in my life. Time and time again God reveals and shows himself to be faithful. i may not see chariots and horses, but I’ve seen God in my life. Prayers for the things like good friends for my kids or good doctors for my dad or wise counsel for my mom or feelings of loneliness to subside. I have big things for which I am praying that haven’t been answered, but by praying the small prayers and seeing answers, I experience his faithfulness.
3. Family. Friends. Pets. Yes, each reminds me that God is with me and for me. Don’t even at me about pets. My dog has shown me the comfort of the Holy Spirit in profound ways. Family and friends checking in. Reminding me of the truth. Holding me accountable. I experience his faithfulness and presence in the simple texts of, “How are you? How can I be praying? I have been praying for such and such”. Never forget the power of a simple text. If you have been thinking of someone and praying for them, text them! Many sorrows have been cheered by this simple action in my life.
So, I may not see the chariots of God in front of me right now. Even in writing this, I am reminded. I am cheered. Thank you, Lisa, for reminding me yesterday. It is important that I write, and may God be glorified.
I LOVE that scripture passage.💞