Assumptions. Never a good thing. Last night I found a pan of CARAMEL brownies. Yes, you read that right. I assumed my Ella made them and they would be gluten-free. Did I ask anyone? Nope. Did I first find out if they were made for an occasion? Nope. Caramel brownies. Thus began a long night of no sleep and stomach pain. i couldn’t figure out why, until this morning i got a text from my son, wondering where all the brownies that he made, went. Ahem. Then I knew the brownies were NOT gluten free and not safe. Sigh.
Makes me think of assumptions i make in Scripture. I’ve read this passage so many times. I don’t understand the context of the passage in light of the time, audience, etc. I assume an understanding that i really do not have. Unfortunately, this lead to much misunderstanding and painful interactions with texts that are the inspired word of God.
I’m in an in-depth study this summer of John 13-17. I had my mind blown by studying chapter 13. You see, I came to the text with Leonardo da Vinci’s picture of the last supper in my heard. I came to the text with misunderstandings of the disciples. As I studied in community, others were also blown away by having an accurate view of the context and scene before them.
When we slow down, read with eyes asking the five W’s and an h, we see things we didn’t see before. Actually, when we begin with prayer, asking for the Spirit’s guiding on the text, woooooweeeeee. my perspective just changes.
Which leads me to realize that my perspective on life needs to be in the light of Scripture. I’m not there yet. I’m still processing. I am struggling with focusing my mind on the truth. Why? pain is near constant, tests reveal nothing, and I’m exhausted. I don’t share that to complain.This is where I am right now. I wonder if this isn’t a life lesson for me.
I can’t assume this is the rest of my life. I can’t assume that there won’t be an answer sometime soon. I can’t assume that that there will be. So I come to the word of God and remember what I believe IN. Who I believe IN.
- Receive Jesus, believe in His name…I am a child of God ( John 1:12)
- Jesus reveals his glory, disciples believe in HIM. (John 2:11)
- Believe in Jesus, no perish, instead life everlasting. Believe in Jesus, who is the Son of God and not condemned. (John 3:16-18)
- The will of the Father believe in His Son, eternal life (John 6:40)
- Jesus is the resurrection and the life, the Messiah, the Son of God. Believe in Him. (John 11:25-27)
- Big thanks to Pam Gillaspie for curating this list of verses in her study, Joy From The Upper Room
It’s a constant struggle that I am praying to remember these foundational beliefs. Pray with me for strength.
Always praying for you 💞
Thank you. 💕