The church, alight in wintry glow, wrapped in the colors of the sunset, a rainbow cascades and transforms. We gaze upon the beauty of the colors of natural and of brick and I cannot help but wonder of the stories and music that have poured from this building.
Clearly, my gaze should be on the rainbow, yet the door captures my attention. Friends, I work in a medical office and lately have been gathering obituaries. So, when I look at this door to the church, how many walked out of this church never to return on this side of heaven.
The call begins with us.
Psalm 119:17-32
Begin with the names for the word of God. This picture about emphasizes the words used more frequently. Will, commandments, way, word, testimonies all are strong words throughout this section. David begins this section asking the Lord to reckon with him kindly. He wants to have his eyes open and see the way of God’s word.
Not home
David’s knowledge of his alien status rings true to my heart, especially when life feels overwhelming, when insults fall afresh. Where are our eyes? Are they upon what people may/may not be saying about us or are they upon the very decrees of God?
Verse 25 gives a clear picture of David’s dusty appearance. Guys, doesn’t it feel as though we are living in a dusty time? What is your delight? What is mine?
David acknowledges where his life is found.
David tells God first about his life. He lays all of his confession before him. I’ll let you in on a secret. I don’t want to have secrets. I hate them. I do poorly with them. Here’s the thing though, before God, I never can hide anything even if I tried. My face is a blank slate.
Friends, we each have a battle we are facing. The body of Christ, we are each responsible to not be the reason for David’s writing in verse 28. Choose the way of truth. I love that.
I want to know him more than understand anything else. I want to know his word more. Spend our time keeping, contemplating, longing, delighting in his word. Take some time today and look at these verses. No matter what is against you today, behold his word for you today.
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