I don’t walk fast enough for my friend. She is waiting for me. ALWAYS. Hence this picture of anticipation, we are entering her favorite part of the walk and mine too. Come on, Mom. I love walking with her because of her pure joy. She enjoys her life. She enjoys walks, fetching the ball, naps, eating, garbage, I could go on. She keeps her head up, interacting with the world.
I keep my head down, accidentally, to make sure I don’t land in puddles, ice, mud, etc. I miss the beauty walking this way, however, I might argue I save myself from pain. What do I miss? Well, look at this picture.
3 Let us bless God, the father of our Lord Jesus, the king! He has blessed us in the king with every spirit-inspired blessing in the heavenly realm.
4 He chose us in him before the world was made, so as to be holy and irreproachable before him in love. 5 He foreordained us for himself, to be adopted as sons and daughters through Jesus the king. That’s how he wanted it, and that’s what gave him delight, 6 so that the glory of his grace, the grace he poured on us in his beloved one, might receive its due praise. Ephesians 1:3-6 NTE
I imagine Paul on a walk with me reaching over and lifting my chin and asking me to look up. Yes, daughter, there are crosses in your life. Yes, daughter, you have pain in your life. Yes, daughter, life is hard. Look up. Look around. Look at the blessings the father of our Lord Jesus has given us. He has give us every spirit-inspired blessing in the heavenly realm. So check this out.
Spiritual: “always connotes the ideas of invisibility and of power. It does not occur in the Sept. nor in the Gospels; it is
https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/Lexicon/Lexicon.cfm?strongs=G4152&t=NASBin fact an after-Pentecost word. (g) the blessings that accrue to regenerate men at this present time are called ‘spiritualities,’ Rom 15:27; 1Cr 9:11; ‘spiritual blessings,’ Eph 1:
Living in the years after Pentecost, Jesus has given us the Spirit to indwell in our hearts. We were meant to rely on his guidance and his movement in our lives. We were meant to live with his voice prominent. The blessing of his voice regenerates our hearts and minds as we walk through this life. I’ve had migraines since I was in third grade and this season has been my best yet. I have seen so many days without migraines. Yet, I still have days. I still have grueling days of pain.
In Christ never has equate pain-free. I rest in the dark with my friend and know I am never alone. In Christ reminds me that walking this life means never alone. In Christ, means we do not even have words to understand all the blessings we have been given. We do not quiet ourselves enough to hear the Spirit most of the time.
So, we accept his grace today. The sun rises today. He is God. Let us remind one another of his love for us today. Let us spur one another on to listen to the Spirit’s voice in our lives today.
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