I hung Christmas lights in my dining room today. My kids didn’t even blink. The hubs hasn’t seem them yet. I’m not a Christmas freak or anything, I just needed some glow in my life. I haven’t brought the lights from the front living room down yet. It’s not laziness, I promise, I have every other Christmas decoration down.
As I walk every morning, I notice the houses with festive decorations, with any decorations. I appreciate the cheer this time, the eggs, the Easter decs left up. Honestly, just leave it. Add beauty.
I am reminded to rest on the Spirit of the Lord today. Some days feel long. The lights remind me that, yes, there is darkness. There is sickness. Yet, we have hope and we have light. I cannot rest in what I see. I have been asked to have faith. To trust in Jesus, not in what I see! Isn’t that interesting? So Jesus teaches in pictures and then says, trust me, even though you can’t see it all.
7 “If you know Me, you will also know[d] My Father. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.”
9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on My own. The Father who lives in Me does His works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Otherwise, believe[e] because of the works themselves.
I don’t have to wrestle today. I do. I believe he has good for us today. Even when I can’t see it sometimes, my usual areas of fear crop up today. God has shown himself to be faithful. He is faithful.
So, I fix my eyes. I return to the truth. I ask friends to pray. And lo and behold, here’s where the beauty happens, I remember who I am in Christ. I believe.
Silly old Christmas lights. I’m telling ya, it’s like God knew what he was doing or something.
We left our Christmas tree up when we escaped winter in January. We came home a couple days ago, and I have so enjoyed sitting with the lights illuminating my room. I think I will leave the tree up for a little while longer. Christmas lights and the special ornaments I have bring joy and hope.
I love it. The joy and beauty. Keep it up. 💜💜💜