Coracle boats are round-shaped non-polluting boats that are used for transport in Tungabhadra river. These boats are very stable by nature and can carry 10-15 persons easily. Navigation is not difficult but it requires skills especially when going upstream. It is part of the local lifestyle in Hampi, Karnataka and is a highlight for tourists coming to this part of the world. by Dey.sandip
Good morning, beloved,
My Noah is up with me this morning. We are listening to a Pandora station that includes Lecrae and various similar artists, however, for me, we have added variety in Chris Tomlin. Though in Noah’s eyes, Chris Tomlin has attained a new status by featuring Lecrae. 🙂 You know what’s coming next, right?
Awake my soul, I come alive, I”m alive when you speak to me….
Oh, friends, God is always speaking. Are we quiet to listen? Do we pause?
Hear His Word this morning. Get up. Get dressed. Go find your community of believers. Awake soul. You need them. They need you.
2 Corinthians 5: 18 All this is from God, who through Christ ·made peace between us and [reconciled us to] himself, and gave us the ·work of telling everyone about the peace we can have with him [L ministry/service of reconciliation]. 19 [L For] God was in Christ, ·making peace between the world and [reconciling the world to] himself. In Christ, God did not ·hold the world guilty of its sins [L count their trespasses against them]. And he ·gave [committed/entrusted to] us this message of ·peace [reconciliation].20 So we ·have been sent to speak [L are ambassadors] for Christ. It is as if God is ·calling to [urging; exhorting; encouraging] you through us. We speak for Christ when we ·beg [implore; urge] you to be ·at peace with [reconciled to] God. 21 God made ·Christ [L the one] who ·had no sin [or never sinned;L did not know sin] to become sin for us, so that in ·Christ [L him] we could become ·right with [L the righteousness of] God.
Hear His word. He made peace between us…
Be at peace, be reconciled to God…
We can walk with God because Christ became sin for us…
So, go. Be at peace with Him. Be at peace with yourself. Be at peace with the community of God.
Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare for today:
3 Things about yourself that you are grateful for:
106. I;m thankful God made me to thrive on discipline and routine.
107. I’m thankful for God’s word in me. For the passion to love Him and His Word…
108. I’m thankful for a passion to pray.
How about you? How long did it take you to process what your “three” are today? Sigh.
Pray on. Pray on.
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