Friend, I read Matthew’s recounting of the story of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday this morning. I marked repeating words and phrases. I did not rush my way through what can be very well-known words. I also asked the Lord to show me, afresh. He did.
I’m sure I’ll miss things. Please forgive. In Matthew 26:21. It begins with Judas. While they were eating, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.” The disciples are in deep distress. Three years of walking, talking, eating, sleeping and from their very midst, one will betray. They have watched Jesus slip from the clutches for three years. And he will be betrayed? By one of them?
Jesus shares his body, his blood. His very own life. He shares the new covenant that will be made. He has been teaching, even in his agony. He shares the meal of his body and worships with them. One last time: “After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” Matthew 26:30 Community in worship.
He takes them to his place of solitude and rest. He takes them to the Mount of Olives, then to the Garden of Gethsemane. He often slipped away to spend time alone with his Heavenly Father. This was a beautiful garden.
In this space, Jesus predicts the next betrayal. See, here’s the thing. Don’t miss this. Dear one, for our country, for our friends who are suffering, for our families, it sure doesn’t feel like Sunday. Stay in Good Friday. Jesus’ precious blood deserves our pause. It deserves our precious time of reflections, our praise.
Peter. And the rest of the disciples. Matthew 26:31, “Then Jesus said to the, ‘Tonight all of you will fall away because of me, for it is written: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. ” Peter is indignant. He is so sure. He knows he will be strong. We are so similar to the disciples. We have the Holy Spirit, moving, breathing and directing and we still respond as the disciples.
In the garden. Before this space for Jesus, I think, has always been a sacred, quiet place, but today, this evening, it has become horrifying, terrifying and to the point, that our precious Lord sweats blood. He asks his precious friends to pray for him. To help him in his great need, his great fear, his great worry, and they cannot keep their eyes open. (Again, no judgement, if you’ve tried to drink the amount of wine a Passover meal has, cheers.)
By the way, the condition that causes someone to sweat blood is called, Hematidrosis. WebMD describes the conditions as, “People who have hematidrosis may sweat blood from their skin. It usually happens on or around the face, but the skin might be lining the inside of your body, too, like in your nose, mouth, or stomach. The skin around the bloody area may swell temporarily.”
Then the mobs come. And Jesus recognizes them. Judas kisses his Lord. How does he do this? I am worn out by wonder of this action. Three years of close contact. Meals. Torn bread. Walking behind in the dust of the Rabbi. And Judas chooses. The words break my heart.
“Friend, “Jesus asked him, “why have you come?” Matthew 26:50
Of course, Jesus knows.
And Peter reacts. He draws a sword and cuts off the ear of the servant.
“Then Jesus told him, “Put you sword back in its place because all who take up the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will provide me here and now with more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26: 52-23
A legion is between 4-6,000. So, lets say it’s 5,000. So, Jesus could have called 60,000 angels to his side. He did not. He did not.
“At that time Jesus said to the crowds, ‘ Have you come with swords and clubs, as if I were a criminal, to capture me? Every day I used to sit, teaching in the temple, and you didn’t arrest me. But all this happened so that the writings of the prophets would be fulfilled.’ Then all the disciples deserted him and ran away. ” Matthew 26:55-56
My friend, sit in this day. IF you are lonely today in the quarantine, Jesus meets you in your loneliness. He understands this profoundly. IF you are concerned, worried, fretful, distressed, fearful, remember the drops of blood sweat in the garden. He went to a safe place. He met and begged his Father to take this away. His Father did not. Our Father, friends, gave us the sacrifice of his Son to set us free.
Let us remember the death today. It is worthy of one day.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
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WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Debra Jaliman, MD on February 03, 2020
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