European Bee-eater, Ariège, France. The female (in front) awaits the offering which the male will make. Photo by Pierre Dalous
Good morning, beloved,
I am not an organized person. At all. I admit this. I admit that I try to be organized. Try to keep things in one place with labels, label-makers…and yet, if there is a space cleared, somehow stuff gets on it. I have books everywhere. I have laundry. I have a dog who steals whatever she can, whatever she can get away with…ergo, I have dog toys, bones. As you know, I also have a husband and kids..so Legos invade my every crevice, doll shoes end up caught in my vacuum. I find gloves (I’ve begun to notice we always have the right handed…) I find socks (don’t even get me started…).
So life is messy around here. We live here. You can tell. However, my desire, my prayer is that our house would be a house that welcomes God. Welcomes His Spirit. We have, as I’ve mentioned before, a whole lot of sinners around here. The Psalm that I found this morning speaks of opening the temple gates to welcome the King of Glory in.
Remembering first that…
The earth belongs to the Lord, and ·everything in it [L its fullness]—
the world and all its ·people [inhabitants].
2 He ·built [founded] it on the waters
and ·set [established] it on the rivers [Gen. 1:9–10; Is. 45:18]. Psalm 24 EXB
Beginning with the truth that this world is truly the Lord’s. As I walk, I want to remember, He called His creation good.
9 Then God said, “Let the water under the ·sky [heavens] be gathered together so the dry land will appear.” And it happened. 10 God ·named [called] the dry land “earth” and [L he called] the water that was gathered together “seas.” God saw that this was good. Genesis 1:9-10
18 The Lord created the heavens.
He is the God who formed the earth and made it.
He did not ·want [create] it to be ·empty [or formless; chaotic; Gen. 1:2],
but he ·wanted life on the earth [L formed it to be inhabited].
This is what the Lord says:
“I am the Lord. There is no other God. Isaiah 45:18
He wanted life. The Lord did not want empty, He wanted life. As I invite the Lord into my day, as we invite Him into our home today…
3 Who may go up on the mountain of the Lord [C Zion, the location of the Temple]?
Who may stand in his holy ·Temple [L place]?
4 Only those with clean hands and pure hearts [C innocent in actions and thoughts],
who have not ·worshiped idols [L lifted their souls to false things],
who have not made promises ·in the name of a false god [or deceitfully].
5 They will receive a blessing from the Lord;
the God who ·saves [rescues; T delivers] them will ·declare them right [vindicate them].
6 ·They try to follow God [L This is the generation/people of those who seek him];
they ·look to the God of Jacob for help [L search for your face, O God of Jacob]. ·Selah[Interlude]
I cleanse my hands. I cleanse my heart. I know that Jesus’ blood is what saves me. God’s plan to rescue, deliver and vindicate us was a plan that included His Son paying the price for sin. Lord, I seek Your face this morning. Snow covers the trees, the ground, even the fences…
we have a lot of snow!
The Lord says,
“Come, let us ·talk about these things [reason together; or settle this matter; or consider your options].
Though your sins are like scarlet [C stained with blood; vv. 15, 21],
they can be as white as snow.
Though your sins are ·deep red [L red as crimson/purple],
they can be white like wool. Isaiah 1 EXB
I remember. I remember His grace. I love this picture of reasoning together, settling, considering with the Lord. This is a relationship. The Lord is waiting.
7 ·Open up [L Lift up your heads], you gates.
·Open wide [L Be lifted up], you ·aged [ancient] doors
and the ·glorious King [King of glory] will come in.
8 Who is this ·glorious King [King of glory]?
The Lord, strong and mighty.
The Lord, ·the powerful warrior [mighty in battle].
9 ·Open up [L Lift up your heads], you gates.
·Open wide [L Be lifted up], you ·aged [ancient] doors
and the ·glorious King [King of glory] will come in.
10 Who is this ·glorious King [King of glory]?
The Lord ·All-Powerful [of Heaven’s Armies/T Hosts]—
he is the ·glorious King [King of glory]. ·Selah [Interlude] Psalm 24 EXB
We lift up our heads. We open our doors. We ask You, King of glory, Lord of the Angel armies, please come in. Make our hearts your home.
My thankfuls today:
Three ugly/beautiful gifts (Ann Voskamp, Joy Dare):
196. Our yard went from muddy and soggy to light and beautiful with the snow!
197. Deep cleaned our laundry room..thankful for working machines.
198. Having the carpets cleaned last week…ahhh…
Prayers for Pastor:
Pray that he will earnestly seek God’s will and be committed to instant and complete obedience—ready for God to work powerfully in and through his ministry. (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Luke 9:23-24)
Prayers for Pastor’s wife:
Pray that she will earnestly seek God’s will and be committed to instant and complete obedience—ready for God to work powerfully in and through her life and ministry. (1 Sam. 15:22; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; Luke 9:23-24) Revive our Hearts
Pray on. Pray on.
Related articles
- A Psalm of Praise! (psalmsofpraisewomensministries.wordpress.com)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd – The King of Glory! (graceofourlord.com)
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