So, in my continuing education on the Sermon on the Mount (you may want to pull up a chair and get cozy, we’ll be here all summer, lol) I realize that the repetition of memorizing may indeed be the best study tool I have.
Let me explain. So, I’m still stuck on the, “I did not come to abolish, but fulfill” statement in Matthew 5:17, and will continue to work on that but the warnings for teachers here is not something I have considered. Here are the verses I’m memorizing today.
“Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:19 NASB1995
There may have been an eye roll just now as I realized this is just one verse. Seriously? As i memorizing this feels like more than JUST one verse, I digress. We have a lot of teachers cropping up on all the social media platforms, don’t we? We don’t really know them or know their training or background. Yet, we are willing to listen to their opinions, discussions, etc on a wide variety of subjects. I think the one I am most cautious about would have to be this one. Teaching on the Bible.
I think there is a vital role in our lives to work out the Scriptures with diligence for ourselves. When we hear even our own pastors teach, we would do well to take note and go home and study for ourselves. If you hear teaching on social media, come back to the word of God and do the hard work for yourself.
First, PRAY. Ask the Spirit to lead and guide you in your study. Look at the text, read the context. Read the cross references. Study the words themselves. See how these words are used throughout the body of Scriptures. Keyword search! Make lists. And finally, go to trusted sources of commentary. With that, don’t just read one, read a couple. It is okay to have some disagreement! This is how you learn. We do not live in an echo chamber, rather listening and responding brings life and greater understanding.
Jesus knew we would need these words. They are here for our benefit today. May we exhort one another to love and good works today.
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