![The Torch Bearers, sculpture by Anna Hyatt Huntington located in Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/eb/Los_portadores_de_la_antorcha.jpg/576px-Los_portadores_de_la_antorcha.jpg)
The Torch Bearers, sculpture by Anna Hyatt Huntington about the transmission of knowledge from one generation to a newer one; located in Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain. by Kadellar
Good morning, beloved,
This weekend found my husband and I breathing in and breathing out. We went to a little church for a Family Life marriage retreat: The Art of Marriage. I’m afraid our time of quiet reflection and encouragement went WAY too fast but the learning, I pray and hope, will carry and continue on. If you have a chance to go to one of these short conferences, it is so worth it. I am seriously considering holding one in my home. It was wonderful.
In fact, that was one of the challenges Dennis Rainey gave! Host a small group, help marriages grow and you know what I thought? How cool would it be to host a small group in our house that went through the Precepts study of marriage? (Not, I’m sure what Dennis Rainey had in mind…but he loves Kay Arthur, lol and had her on his show..) Just saying…well, if you live in the area….;)
What kind of legacy do you want your life (or if you are married) to leave?
What does this have to do with my title and the picture?
“Every man leaves a lasting influence that will affect future generations for centuries to come. Not all legacies are the same. What kind of legacy will you leave behind? A spiritual legacy is the one that money can’t buy and taxes can’t take away. A spiritual legacy is passing down to the next generation what matters most.” Steven J. Lawson The Legacy
Summer flowers, photographed in 1975 in Gelsenkirchen by A. Gundelach,
The picture was, at first, a bit shocking, I’ll admit. When I read the explanation, I was transfixed. The passing of knowledge to the next generation…at first glance the figures to me didn’t look all that different (ok, one’s on the ground and one’s on a horse..don’t trifle with me.) Continuing to gaze, notice the skin falling in wrinkles upon the fallen man..his time is done. He cannot look upon the young man. His head is turned to the ground. Notice the horse, his head is turned. He is raring to go, anxious to move on. Ready for the next challenge. The young man holds tight.
As the older generation in my house, I look at my little kids. I’m amazed at how life is passing us by so quickly. I keep packaging up clothes to give away. They keep growing on me. My eldest is going to be 13! Good grief, wasn’t I just holding him in my arms, a baby? When it is my time, I want my eyes locked on theirs. Truth in my mouth. God‘s word encouraging them to stay the course.
4 For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope.
5 Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,
6 That together you may [unanimously] with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
Before I dive into this passage, love Paul…the Art of Marriage gave us a challenge to write a letter to our descendants to read at our funeral. “What would you want in that letter? What are the most important things you would want to leave behind for future generations to read? What are some of your life experiences that have shaped your convictions? What passages of His Word has God used in your life that you would want to highlight?” (Art of Marriage, pg. 140)
I know I’ve played this song before but it’s so apt here!
I highlighted in this passage in orange we, you, our…let’s see what we learn from this…
- Whatever was written in the former days was written for our instruction…(Bible coming to mind..;)) This is their legacy to us. God teaching us through their legacy. Their offering of their lives…
- The Scriptures then become our example of patience and endurance so that we have our source of hope and are able to hold fast! How about that! Amen, and amen! We hold on and we look to the past examples in Scripture of God’s amazing faithfulness and His story and know that we can hold fast because He will continue and carry out His good plan in our lives!! Cherish the hope that lives inside of you :).
- God is the One who gives the power of patient endurance to us. (Nothing in me, nothing in you can do this..)
- God is the Supplier of encouragement to stay the course your whole life long…
- He’s going to grant you the ability to live in mutual harmony and full sympathy for one another in accord with Jesus…
- What’s the point of giving and granting all of this wonderful stuff? (Great word..) together you may [unanimously] with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
Why not start now?
Legacy..it is never too early to start thinking about your legacy.
Pray on, friends..Pray on.
I love it Daniel
Danny wrote this on my iPad, but I love it too! What a sweetie-will miss him this week. Mom
Thank you! He is missing you too…trust me!
I love you, Daniel…