Though astronauts and cosmonauts often encounter striking scenes of Earth’s limb, this unique image, part of a series over Earth’s colorful horizon, has the added feature of a silhouette of the space shuttle Endeavour. The image was photographed by an Expedition 22 crew member prior to STS-130 rendezvous and docking operations with the International Space Station. Docking occurred at 11:06 p.m. (CST) on Feb. 9, 2010. The orbital outpost was at 46.9 south latitude and 80.5 west longitude, over the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern Chile, with an altitude of 183 nautical miles when the image was recorded. The orange layer is the troposphere, where all of the weather and clouds which we typically watch and experience are generated and contained. This orange layer gives way to the whitish Stratosphere and then into the Mesosphere. In some frames the black color is part of a window frame rather than the blackness of space. by NASA/Crew of Expedition 22
Good morning, friends,
I’m sure I have told you I’m a hymn girl. Love me some hymns. My kids sing the hymn. Their Momma loves hymns. Their Daddy bought a hymnal..and we used to sing hymns every night. I’m thinking we need to pick that up again. Music has a calming effect on us. This morning two songs ring in my head. One is a hymn. One is not. Yet both speak truth that helps us cope with our world.
If you read the video while listening you would have seen the hymn writer’s biography. Unspeakable horror. Yet, in the pain, Mr. Spafford wrote a hymn that speaks directly to my heart, maybe yours as well.
This next video was in a beautiful movie I watched last night.
The reason for the world is to make us long for home. Yesterday was one of those days for our nation, wasn’t it? We watched the horror unfold against these precious people. I was very dizzy yesterday and a lump on the couch so my eyes were on the horror a lot yesterday.
Then I found a quote by Tim Sinclair, radio morning host of WBGL: When tragedies like this happen at Christmas, I can’t help but think that tragedies like this are the very reason Christmas happened at all.
Today is a very good day to remember He has come. He will come again. Let us not lose sight of the hope within us. Let us share the hope. Social media can be used for the glory and edification of our God. We can show the world where our hope is found. Mary‘s magnificat in Luke 1 keeps my eyes focused. Come join me as we look at the words of a humble Jewish girl who knew the Word of God and praised Him accordingly.
Luke 1:
46 And Mary said, My soul magnifies and extols the Lord,
47 And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 For He has looked upon the low station and humiliation of His handmaiden. For behold, from now on all generations [of all ages] will call me blessed and declare me happy and to be envied!
49 For He Who is almighty has done great things for me—and holy is His name [to be venerated in His purity, majesty and glory]!
50 And His mercy (His compassion and kindness toward the miserable and afflicted) is on those who fear Him with godly reverence, from generation to generation and age to age.
51 He has shown strength and made might with His arm; He has scattered the proud and haughty in and by the imagination and purpose and designs of their hearts.
52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree.
53 He has filled and satisfied the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty-handed [without a gift].
54 He has laid hold on His servant Israel [to help him, to espouse his cause], in remembrance of His mercy,
55 Even as He promised to our forefathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.
And Mary said, My soul magnifies and extols the Lord...friends, let’s look at the words she is quoting.
1 Samuel 2: 1 Hannah prayed, and said, My heart exults and triumphs in the Lord; my horn (my strength) is lifted up in the Lord. My mouth is no longer silent, for it is opened wide over my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation.
Magnify-(megalynō)-to make great, magnify, to esteem highly, to extol, laud, celebrate
2 My life makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble and afflicted hear and be glad.
3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
2 Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord God is my strength and song; yes, He has become my salvation.
3 Therefore with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation.
14 Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice, be in high spirits and glory with all your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem [in that day].
15 [For then it will be that] the Lord has taken away the judgments against you; He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, even the Lord [Himself], is in the midst of you; [and after He has come to you] you shall not experience or fear evil any more.
16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear not, O Zion. Let not your hands sink downor be slow and listless.
17 The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.
My thankfuls today:
45. I’m thankful for rain today.
46. I’m thankful for sleep.
47. I’m thankful for a call from my brother.
I will pick up more tomorrow. Everyone is awake. 😉
Pray on. Pray on.
Related articles
- Three hymns for Christmas (cybervicar.wordpress.com)
- Wonder: My Soul Magnifies the Lord (everydayawe.com)
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