I’m not WordPress savvy. I keep trying to upload pictures and nope, denied. Trust me, the view outside my window in my room is beautiful. I love looking at the remaining leaves on the trees. The yellows, reds, oranges and still even some green grace the trees. I love to watch the swaying trees in the wind. The dance.
Then the morning revelry is disrupted by the hot flashes. As sweat pours down my face…okay, window open. Haha.
So, you may have heard we have two cats. One adopted us and one was adopted during my time in the hospital. We had planned on picking up the cat, but a stroke interfered with my involvement. Anyway, we also have a dog. She has taken it upon herself to be the referee anytime the two felines are playing?. Playing. She stands up and barks. They look at her and continue on. She does it again, this time agitated they didn’t listen in the first place. They stop. Look. And carry on. So, then she lunges (to make her point that she is SERIOUS). This time the cats shrug and move away from one another. I do think they shrug and decide they were done ANYWAY.
Disruptions. Hot flashes. Barking dogs. Dinging phones. Doorbells. We all have them. Today, it occurred to me, this is how I never have time to write. Time to process what is swirling in this head of mine. A long time ago, I decided to set aside the hour from 7-8am every morning to be in the word with friends. Slowly, but surely setting aside that time to have community. To also be in the word. Lately, my problem has been with texts coming in or people in my family coming in to talk with me. I’m realizing its not the actual disruption that is the problem.
It’s what i do afterwards. I hop on my phone to just check this. Or that. And I’ve lost time. Right now, I’m home and can say to myself, I’ll stay in the word after our zoom call. I usually don’t. I have things to do. Soon I will be going back to work and I will have to steward my time even more carefully.
I want my time in the word to matter. To change me. Mold me. To bring me to a greater awareness of God in my life. Today’s lesson for me is disruption.
Rather than looking out my window or on my phone, i want to pursue God like I stupidly pursue my phone.
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