Peace. I wonder if anyone in this wonderful world doesn’t long for it. World peace. National peace. Relational peace. Peace with God. Wherever we go, whenever we open news sources, we decry the absence of peace. We look for places to be peaceful. Think about it. For me personally, (nerd alert), beautiful libraries are peaceful places. Not all libraries fit in this category, can I get an amen? When I was in England, Cathedrals were incredibly peaceful places for me. The Botanical Gardens of Chicago are peaceful places for me.
Lent is upon us and we have 40 days to take a breath, ponder, maybe remove something, and focus our eyes on the cross ahead and the resurrection. It can become so commonplace. So rhetorical. All of this can just become habit. Unless we fight it. So, today, I started, as I do every Lent, with a group on Facebook, to declutter my house. It’s called 40 bags in 40 days. Releasing my baggage and clutter to bless others, to help my family and to bring peace to my heart as I walk through this house. I will be sharing my journey with forty bags, sharing pictures here, too. By the way, did my first bag! I need to get it in my car. Worked in my bedroom and culled through the area around my side of the bed. Somehow I got 20 books on my side of the bed, no clue how that happened….
Timing has also been perfect for me to start a new Bible study habit. I have needed, for awhile, to find my passion again for His word. I am a passionate studier of His word and I love it. Yet, I have, for many reasons, been unable to join an in depth study this year. I have found verse mapping. I am excited to share this with you as well with pictures and step by step, learning together.
My fellowship group, MOMS, is reading the book, Fervent , by Priscilla Shirer. I need this perspective. I need to be diligent in prayer, but what struck me in my reading this past week was this: I need to regain my passion which brings me back to peace. Ha. I cannot have peace or strength or hope with first calling on God. Crying out for a renewed passion to live and love for You, first.
Final thoughts
I want to leave you with this:
Psalm 29:10b-11 The LORD sits as King forever. The LORD will give strength to His people; the LORD will bless HIS people with peace.
The existing One, His kingship is secure. His kingdom is eternal and universal. This wandering soul, prone to wander, has a loving King who has accomplished it all. It is finished. Yet let us not forget He also runs. (See the story of the Prodigal son.) The next verse, 11, reminds us too, whether I need strength or I need peace, He will give it willingly on the day I call. These are good reminders for me today. Tonight.
Bless you, reader. May He bless you with His peace.
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