“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and delight; Come before His presence with joyful singing. Know and fully recognize with gratitude that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, not we ourselves [and we are His]. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with a song of thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, bless and praise His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy and lovingkindness are everlasting, His faithfulness [endures] to all generations.”
Psalms 100:1-5 AMP
A short Psalm reminding us of a few things, especially when the days are dreary and there is pain.
First thing I notice is there are no conditions as to when to bring our praise to the Lord. For instance, when I’m happy, bring praise. There is nothing here about my actual state of mind. It is not that the Lord does not care, quite the opposite. When i bring the sacrifice of praise, I change. My heart changes.
I recently picked up the journal that records my shouts of thanksgiving. Daily. Sad to say its been awhile since i did this, but I am finding by starting my day in thanks, i look at my day differently.
In Psalm 100, the Psalmist directs us to remember who is God.
- He made us, and we are his—Ps.100:3
- His people, the sheep of his pasture—Psalm 100:3
- He is good—Psalm 100:5
- His faithful love endures forever—Psalm 100:5
- His faithfulness to all generations—Psalm 100:5
HE is declared Creator God. He is our protector. His goodness proclaimed. His faithfulness never ends, never fails. We belong to him.
What is our response?
- Shout triumphantly to God! Ps. 100:1
- Serve the LORD with gladness —Psalm 100:1
- Come before him with joyful songs—Psalm 100:1
- Acknowledge the LORD is God—Psalm100: 2
- Enter his gates with thanksgiving—Psalm 100:4
- Enter his courts with praise—Psalm 100:4
- Give thanks to him—Psalm 100:4
- Bless his name-Psalm 100:4
Change my mind, Lord Jesus, as I enter your house today.
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