Today’s post is a bit different. I came across Psalm 66 and wanted to spend some more time.
All join the shouts of joy to God..the whole earth x2. (Vs. 1 & vs. 3)
What to sing about… the glory of his name(vs.2), his awe inspiring works(vs.3), his great strength(vs. 3), his name (vs.4), his wonders(vs.5), his acts for humanity ( also awe-inspiring )(vs.5), he rules forever by his great might(vs.7), his eye on the nations(vs.7). He keeps us alive, does not allow our foot to slip (vs.9)(Psalm 94:18-19).
We are instructed to make the praise glorious(vs.2). Our praise should reflect his glory. Bless our God, sound of his praise be heard.
Our praise should remember what he HAS done, remember the story. Remember how God turned the sea into dry land(vs.6). (Exodus 15) There we rejoiced. We turned back and worshiped(vs.6). Such a good word for me. Reminds me of people’s responses to Jesus.
In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem. He is setting his mind to the cross. He meets 10 men with leprosy. “Jesus, have mercy on us!” He instructs them to show yourselves to the priests and as they walked, they were healed. One man turned to give glory to God, to fall on his face worshipping. The man thanked Jesus, oh, and by the way, he was a Samaritan. Jesus wonders where the rest of the men were hiding. “Get up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you.”
Times of testing: you refine us, lure us into a trap, burdens on our backs, let men ride over our backs, went through Fire and Water (Isaiah 43:1-4) BUT you brought us OUT to abundance(vs.12).
We don’t wish for suffering, but when it comes and stays, we long for a way out. We look for it. We pray for it. Our eyes look ahead hoping to see the light breaking through which is almost ironic. We, as frail human beings, fear the unknown, the future, the what if’s. I don’t know about you, but I can play out scenarios all day long. And this place in my head is dangerous for me. I am in places where God has told me not to be. (Matthew 6:34)
The psalmist also recognizes the words we utilize in the midst of suffering. Enter God’s house with burnt offerings; I will pay my vows that my lips promised and my mouth spoke during my distress. (Psalm 66:13-14) We probably are not making blood vows like Jephthah in Judges 11. (Let’s hope not!) But, maybe, if you do this, Lord, I will…fill in the blank.
We set up some scenarios when we do this. Either, if God doesn’t answer in the way we want , so we grow cautious of His goodness and grace OR (let’s be honest) we are trying to manipulate God to our will.
The more time I spend in that space described above, the more worried, preoccupied I become. I miss things. I miss the joy of the sunrise. I miss the birds singing. I miss an opportunity to care for another person laden with cares.
I want to beckon people to “come and listen, all who fear God and I will tell what he has done for me.”Psalm 66:16 I can always find ways that God is working on my behalf. He may not be answering my specific prayers how I want right now, but he is moving and he is working.
Ever since Joshua lost his job, I have worried so much about money. And you know what? We have never not been able to pay our bills. Our family has been protected. So while the prayer for a job for Joshua hasn’t been answered yet, we are still able to meet our bills. It’s wild. It is God telling me over and over again to trust him no matter our circumstances.
On Saturday night, driving home, I’m normally a little nervous with drivers that feel the best place for them to be is on my bumper. This time I listened over and over to Philippians set to music. See here: Sing the book of Philippians . My mind was focused on the word and so much more peaceful.
Look for God, friends. Look for him when you are in the midst of joy and sadness. “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Our broken hallelujahs are precious to him.
The end of Psalm 66 reminds us that God listens. He has paid attention to the sound of our prayers. So I turn and bless HIM today. He has never turn away from my prayers. He has never turned his faithful love from me. Or you.
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