I write this today to remind myself and not forget this important word given to me this past week. I will be honest and say, I really don’t like the word judge. I’m not a fan, and I would bet most of our society balks at the word as well. However, we do this all the time. We make judgements all the time. I think I do this more than I realize, especially over the word of God.
“Do I judge the word or do I let the word of God judge me?” Author unknown.
As I read through 1 & 2 Kings, my mind is shocked. Over and over again, and then I hear these words, I could never do this.
I look at men like Ahaz or Jeroboam and think no way. Hand to heart, I read with a shaking head. I get confused over this king or that, but this isn’t the point of these books. God didn’t leave this for me to put my hand out and thank him that i am not like this.
Rather, I want to ask the questions, I want to interrogate the text and I want the text to change me. I don’t want to change the text. i don’t want place my context OVER the context of these historical books.
For instance, when I read how Elijah speaks to God, how he runs away and to God, I know that E has a relationship with God that I want so much. To speak with God and have such an intimacy, I am then reminded of James 5, that E had a nature just like ours.
Then i can have such a relationship with God.
I also see the danger of not staying in the word. Deuteronomy commands that each King write the text of the word every year. This solidifies the word in your mind!Each king walked further and further away. You can tell they do not have the word of God in their mind or in their actions.
It’s a simple decline. One day. Two days. It becomes easier and easier to not make that time available. Time each day is critical for me. Listening to the word, reading the word, studying the word and being taught the word.
I write this to remind myself. I don’t want to forget the lessons of these books.
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