In the clinic I work, we have many cardiac patients who are deeply terrified of their diagnosis, their treatment options, and call repeatedly to have their questions answered. Sometimes, they call with the same question. There is a deep fear. I hear it in their voices. I hear it in their questions. I hear it in their temperament.
Often times, there is an answer, we try to explain. We try to help them ease into the right decision for their body. We have seen those who have the successful stories. I can try to explain (what the Doctor has already), but sometimes, they just can’t hear it. The symptoms, the diagnosis, the cost get in the way of accepting.
If that isn’t me with Jesus…
God has my life laid out in front of me. He has asked me to take the next step. Not look to far ahead or behind. One step. But Lord. One step. Yeah, but. One step. If I look behind me (with good cause) and remember all the times he has been faithful, then the next step is easier. He is trustworthy. I acknowledge his Lordship in my life.
It requires faith.
I brought up Romans 5 yesterday. I’m back in there again today. I’m sitting in verse 1. I am declared righteous by faith. This. Right. Here. on my own, there is no righteousness. It is by faith that I have his righteousness.
In Rom 5:1, “being justified” is in the aorist, or point, tense, indicating the definite time at which each person, upon the exercise of faith, was justified.
Blue Letter Bible
I’m sure you have heard: justified, just as if you never sinned. Oh my, the Lord knows my heart. My penchant for sin. And that through my expression of faith, I am justified. I have peace with my Heavenly Father because of Jesus. this was costly. I have access to the Father because of Jesus by faith.
Just like me trying to explain to our patients, the procedure, the treatment has been proven over and over again to help. The doctor knows what he is doing, you just have to trust him. The same is for my Heavenly Father, I trust him even though I’m not there yet. Even though i want an answer that hasn’t come. My Father is eternal. My Father is above all time and space. He knows. He sees. And he desires my faith. He desires my love. He desires relationship.
Right there. I have peace. Often times, its white knuckles on a steep slope, but (that doesn’t sound like peace) I look up and I see Jesus. He has made a way for peace.
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