Good morning, friends,
Looking out my bedroom window this morning, I smile as I watch the birds fly from branch to branch tossing snow effortlessly to the ground. A few of the little birds are perched close to our window, peering in. The day dawns bright and clear, have you noticed how snow helps the world seem clean and new? I know what lies under the snow in our yard (trust me, I have kids and a dog). Our dog is a stinker. She loves to sneak things out into the yard and sneak things in FROM the yard. *Sigh* . Luke is begging this morning for “snow cream”. I told him we would need to find VERY safe snow. VERY.
The cardinal is over by my window now and the color contrast!! I like to think that God gives us reminders in nature. What do you think?
Cardinal in snow Photo by Mike’s Birds
6 You ·want me to be completely truthful [L desire truth/faithfulness in my inward parts],
·so teach me wisdom [L and secretly you make me know wisdom].
7 ·Take away my sin [L Remove my sin with hyssop; Ex. 12:22; C a plant used in purification rituals; Lev. 14:4, 6, 49–51; Num. 19:18], and I will be clean.
Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow [Is. 1:18].
8 Make me hear sounds of joy and gladness;
let the bones you crushed ·be happy [rejoice] again.
9 ·Turn [L Hide] your face from my sins
and ·wipe [blot] out all my guilt. Psalm 51 EXB
Snow is a lovely thing, as I said, it does cover the ugly, doesn’t it? But, it never stays covered, eventually, it melts. Eventually, if you drive by my house, you’ll see the toys, the shoe the dog dragged into the yard, etc. We like to cover up too, don’t we? Oh, I’m fine. I’m good. Yet, if we are completely truthful, all the way to the inward parts, we are not good. Wisdom calls us to call out and say, Lord, I’m not good! I’m struggling. I need YOU! And you know what, friend? He’ll answer! He’ll teach you wisdom.
The fake us that says, oh, I’m good, can only last for a certain amount of time before the facade will give way. We listen to the lie that it’s better to hide than to come clean! A lie from the pit of hell that we need not listen.
I love verse 7…Remove my sin with hyssop (have to include a picture, I had no idea!)
Za’atar growing in the herb garden of the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens, Jerusalem, Israel Photo by Gilabrand
“Hyssop” was a small plant (see 1 Kgs 4:33) used to apply water (or blood) in purification rites (see Exod 12:22; Lev 14:4-6, 49-52; Num 19:6-18. The psalmist uses the language and imagery of such rites to describe spiritual cleansing through forgiveness. Notes by!bible/Psalms+51
David knew his cleansing could not be his own doing. He could not cleanse the sin. I will be clean. I shall be whiter than snow. This is said with confidence not found in himself. David knew his confidence rested solely in his God. And friends, we can learn so much from this confidence. This confidence was born out of pain. Take note.
It’s not about being strong, looking strong. He is LORD, LORD of all. He is your strength. He is your all. Oh, but us trying, attempting, looking a certain way..ya, that’s filthy rags to Him, the King of Kings…remember, He knows you are weak. Friend, He remembers we are dust, for heaven’s sake. What are we trying to do running from Him?? Mercy.
A few things I would like to share with you as we enter a new year…if you would like to add the discipline of reading/listening to the Bible in a year, I had never done this before this past year when I found the Daily Audio Bible. Before I go to bed, I listen to Brian Hardin read portions of the Old and New Testament, a Psalm and a Proverb each day. It’s been a great addition to my daily routine. I purchased the app for my phone for a buck and I love it.
I’ve finally had enough of the clutter and I’ve enjoyed this woman’s website and how she breaks down into 52 weeks. If that sounds overwhelming to you, then think how long it took you to get to where you are today. LOL. Home Storage Solutions 101
May God bless you this day. May you remember that you are loved, deeply and forever.
All this from snow…snow…
I digress.
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