***this is another post I never finished, so you’ll see some references to time that has past, but i think this is worthy of being posted still. Thank you.
So it begins, our first real snowfall of the year and it’s supposed to snow the entire day. Snow reminds me of a few things that I am learning in the word.
It covers. The white snow covers the mud, the leaves not raked…a good reminder to me. In two ways.
1. The Savior‘s wounds cover our sins. What freedom there is to the believer who confesses and is made new. What a Savior. What a friend.
2. It’s easy for me to see another’s life and think, gosh, their life is perfect. They have everything, when in reality, it’s just snow covering up their struggles, hardships and walk.
In Psalm 37, first, David made it easy to memorize by every other stanza (sometimes every one) follows the Hebrew alphabet. Why would that be important here? David is teaching us that no matter what we see right now, for those who are wicked, it is fleeting. It will not stand.
“Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong.” Psalm 37:1 It is so easy for us to behold others and become agitated as we compare.
Instead, dear one, trust. “Trust in the LORD and do what is good, dwell in the land and live securely. take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Psalm 37:3-4
trust that the circumstances right now are not our forever. Trust that whether financial, medical, spiritual is all in his hands. He asks me to trust. He asks me to recall what I have previously learned about HIM and what I am currently being taught.
Look to the Lord in my situations today. Look to the Lord. Time is different to the Lord than it is to you and to me. We live in such a fast paced world. Our Heavenly Father sees all time. He asks us to slow down. Spend time with him. Open the word. Sit. Listen. Quiet.
I confess as I read Psalm 37:7-8 how easily I can fire up with agitation and anger with situations in my life. Unfair pops up in my mind. Why. You know. You have these things too. And God says, ‘be still. Wait expectantly before [Me]…put your hope in [Me], [you]will inherit the land.’ Vs.9
It involves taking a step back. If I think about the situation yesterday, getting some water. Taking a deep breath. Not getting involved. Putting my head down. And just doing my own work. Not engaging. Being still.
As I read over and over the gospels this year, Jesus walked through his short time on earth always humble. Always with his life in the hands of his Father. And I most certainly need to remember and call to mind this as I try to fight for my rights, or make sure people know what I did or didn’t do. Jesus was on this earth to bring people to his Father, show the way. We have been called to the same mission.
Deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow Christ the Messiah.
So when I read in Psalm 37, ‘the humble will inherit the land and will enjoy abundant prosperity,’ there is a day coming. We place ourselves in the hands of the Father. we are held.
Cara you are so humble and caring I
I read your texts and am so supported in your feelings about your love and trust in Jesus. Boots