So, one of the things I have hanging in my living room and I’ve had it for years, it’s become old and faded and honestly, I’ll keep it forever is a framed poster (yes, one of those) of the names of Jesus. I just love it. I have a names that I focus on at different times, depending on my needs at different times. God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit all have many, many names. Jesus, though, has so many beautiful names.
In Luke 9, Jesus has just fed thousands upon thousands and He has a question on His mind for His beloved disciples:
18 One time when Jesus was praying alone, his ·followers [disciples]were with him, and he asked them, “Who do the ·people [crowds] say I am?”
19 They answered, “Some say you are John the Baptist. Others say you are Elijah [see 9:8; 1 Kin. 17]. And others say you are one of the prophets from long ago who has ·come back to life [risen/appeared again].”
20 Then Jesus asked, “But who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “You are ·the Christ from God [God’s Messiah; the Messiah sent from God].”
Jesus Speaks of His Crucifixion
21 Jesus ·warned [sternly commanded] them not to tell anyone, saying, 22 “The Son of Man [C a title for the Messiah; Dan. 7:13–14] must suffer many things. He will be rejected by the Jewish elders, the ·leading [T chief] priests, and the ·teachers of the law [scribes]. He will be killed and ·after three days [L on the third day] will be raised from the dead.” Luke 9 EXB
The crowds have their ideas of who they think He is, because, of course, He couldn’t just be the Messiah. It’s easier to believe John is back from the dead or Elijah or a prophet. I may sound like I’m berating. I’m not, well, maybe a little. I know that it would be hard, very hard to believe after waiting so very long for Messiah to come.
Then who do the disciples think He is? Messiah. Declaration. After all they have seen these past few days, (and if you were to read chapter 8 and 9, trust me, much has happened..), confidence. Jesus’ response may seem a bit puzzling. He’s always saying, shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. Don’t say anything.
That’s not my focus. What hit me this morning, loud and clear, He did not say yes or no to these titles, but replied with the Son of Man.
13 “In my vision at night I saw in front of me someone ·who looked like a human being [L like a son of man] coming on the clouds in the ·sky [heavens; C God’s heavenly chariot; Ps. 18:10–19; 68:4; 104:3; Is. 19:1; Luke 21:27; Rev. 1:7]. He came near ·God, who has been alive forever [L the Ancient of Days], and he was ·led to God [presented to him]. 14 He was given ·authority [dominion; sovereignty], glory, and ·the strength of a king [kingship]. People of every tribe, nation, and ·language [L tongue] will ·serve [fear; Prov. 1:7] him. His ·rule will last forever [dominion/sovereignty is an everlasting dominion/sovereignty], and his ·kingdom [kingship] will never be destroyed.Daniel 7:13-14Expanded Bible (EXB)
He was claiming His Sonship, but He was claiming His temporary dust. He was a man. He walked this earth. And I don’t know about you, but today, I needed to remember He walked this earth. He was fully God, but He was fully man. He ached. He hurt. He cried.
And I’ll be honest, I’ve just become such a Christmas song snob. I really have. Away In A Manager. Really? No crying? Let me tell you, if He was truly man? He cried. That is the audacity of the Gospel on our behalf. He gave it up so someone else took care of Him on this earth. What is that? It is love.
Mary, Did You Know? Yes, yes she did. Move on. There is a reason Mary stood at the foot of the cross and it wasn’t because she forgot.
Drummer Boy. I’m sorry, but Mary, did not let no drummer into her baby’s room to tap out a sic beat while He was sleeping. Sheesh. Maybe, a flute. Or a harp. MAYBE.
Oops. I digress. He is, was, and will be the Son of Man. Will we bow? I know that I need a Savior who knows what it’s like to stub their toe and have acne. Who has been deserted. Who has had gas. Who did not sin and who loves me anyway, because let me tell you, I do. And a lot of the time, intentionally. I’m a total work in progress. Where does the grace and mercy fit in when I’m just a mess who says at the end of the night, tomorrow will be better…and the next morning…eggnog PIE.
Is there room for the saints who occasionally swear? Who like a glass of wine? Who didn’t vote for Trump? Who love those who don’t look the same as you? There certainly should be, because Jesus always had a place at His table.
People of every tribe, nat
ion, and ·language [L tongue] will ·serve [fear; Prov. 1:7] him.
Jesus, the Son of Man. Thank You for finishing the work on the cross. Thank you for being our best. Peace.
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