Good morning, beloved,
I began, in earnest, to organize school and co-op activities. For our co-op, I co-teach a history/craft combo class and the time had come to finish my work on the class. One time period that I studied yesterday was the early 1800s, when many were flooding the banks of the eastern United States. I shudder to think how this girl would do with the circumstances of the character. Three weeks on a tiny freight ship…moldy food, not much fresh air…or even better, the clothing worn, petticoats, skirts…I like my jeans. I like my sweatshirts and thick socks (it’s cold this morning). I like my fans that cool our house. I like refrigerators that cool our food and stoves that cook. Blender that crushes and smoothies. As I sat, reading through the character’s trials and joys, I was delighted to look up and see children reading books. Turning on lights to find their way, switching over laundry, loading the dishwasher…
Do you ever stop and thank God for what you have that you almost take for granted? When something breaks down in my house (which happens often), I realize all over again how grateful I am. This morning as I peer out through the trees listening to cars and trains, I am grateful. As I watch my hubby and early riser boy make themselves breakfast, all the while chatting, I am grateful. I am grateful for a puppy who just fits with our family. God has given me much.
Pause. Breathe. Look around you. Look at the lights that guide your way. Toilets that flush (sorry, but the character we were studying just had outhouses).
Outhouses in student’s tourist tent base in Jawornik, Beskid Niski, Poland Photo by Tomasz Kuran aka Meteor2017
🙂 (Couldn’t help myself)
All of these blessings…I bet you could add more.
What if it was all stripped away? What if…
all you had was Jesus? Would He be enough? How did Peter answer this question?
66 After Jesus said this, many of his ·followers [disciples] ·left him [L turned back to previous things] and ·stopped following [L no longer walked with] him.
67 Jesus asked ·the twelve followers [the Twelve], “Do you want to leave, too?”
68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord [or Master], who would we go to? You have the words that give eternal life. 69 We believe and know that you are the Holy One from God.”
Christians around the world are following Him no matter the cost.
Pastor Saeed Abedini is a good example. Or take a peek at the website for Voice of the Martyrs…our brothers, our sisters suffering for their love and devotion our Jesus. Our Lord.
So as you begin your day. As you gaze around breathing in and giving thanks, never forget the Amazing Grace you have been given.
There is this scene in The Bible (recently aired on the History Channel) where John is on the island. All alone. And we see Jesus coming for him. John’s eyes fill with tears. His years of sacrifice, trials and such are over. Jesus reaches out for him and John runs into His embrace. It was all worth it. It was all for His glory.
We need an eternal perspective on our lives. Our trials, our afflictions are momentary in the light of eternity.
All of this, these blessings are nothing if we just take, take, take and never give back, back, back. So today, may I urge you to give God the glory for the blessings in your life? May I urge you to ask the Lord today, how can I give back? How can I bless someone who comes in my path today? Let the Name of Jesus be lifted higher in your life today. We know we serve the God who is stronger, mightier, more wonderful that we can ever imagine. He will give us all we need for this day.
Join me in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Don’t turn your back. Don’t allow busyness to distract you.
Pray on. Pray on.
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