I am not an expert, nor do I play one on television. Taking this time, as I have to step back from so many
I hate them because dang it, the pain as it grows under the
This stupid zit moved me to think, how easy it is to notice the blemishes in the lives of others, leaders, friends, enemies, you name it. If the relationship you have had with an individual has been solid, and there has been one offense, one blemish, do we throw that person off to the side? For that matter, do I cut off my nose because I have a stupid pimple? No.
So, I have to tell you. I love grace. I love seeing stories of redemption. And I loved seeing Joaquin Phoenix give that speech at the Golden Globes. Yes, it’s old news. Not for me. I’ve watched it a few times. And there are a few highlights for me. One, he has a passion for issues and his heart is behind something he believes in. Friends, that is a blessing. We need people to stand up and say no. Two, he expressed his gratefulness to the audience for accepting him back after a hard life. Humble. Three, he paid honor to his brother, River. Grace gave him a second chance.
Grace gives us chance after chance. Grace comes running for us. Mercy isn’t because we deserve it. I’m blown away by this gorgeous thought. Yet, here’s what we do. Or maybe just me. I forgot the grace that reaches me in my darkness, and I start questioning and well, being angry, with the people next to me. Trust me. I think I have good reason. I’ve been hurt. Or a loved one hurt. I am holding my loved. I am fierce.
Yet, here’s what I forget. There is a story. There is a greater work being accomplished here. So, maybe it’s time to burn the ships. Have you heard this song?
The Bible has a well-known story of beautiful grace. The Prodigal Son has much to say to us today on running towards the lost, the wayward and the ones who need mercy.
20 And he got up and went to his father.
‘While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and his heart was stirred with love and pity. He ran to him, hugged him
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+15%3A11-32&version=NTEtight , and kissed him. 21 “Father,” the son began, “I have sinned against heaven and before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son any longer.” 22 But the father said to his servants, “Hurry! Bring the best clothes and put them on him! Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet! 23 And bring the calf that we’ve fattened up, kill it, and let’s eat and have a party! 24 This son of mine was dead, and is alive again! He was lost, and now he’s found!” And they began to celebrate.’ Luke 15: 20-24
So we extend. We love. Where would I be without the love of Christ running for me? Where would I be without the love of family and friends? His blood speaks a better way. His blood speaks a better word. So, shouldn’t our churches and halls and groups echo this same sentiment? We are fallen humans who need grace from one another so much. We are here because of the grace and mercy of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Here’s what I have come to tonight. People disappoint me. I’m sure I disappoint people. We are all in good company. I may not understand the decisions made around me and I may struggle.
Let’s be the body of Christ to one another and they will know us by our love. Peace.
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