What do we do when we see people in pain? Someone alone?
Courage says take the step, walk away from the crowd and seek out the one. Here’s the things that may happen. They may respond with gratefulness. They may ask you to pray and hug them. Any yet, they may not. They may bristle. They may have no smile in their eyes or demeanor.
I didn’t. Yet people came over. Handed me kleenex. Asked me if I needed anything. I didn’t respond well. Yet, my heart needed their love. Guys, your courage to respond to a prompting, don’t ignore it. Don’t argue yourself out. Changes everything.
The battle I face is different from yours. I’m a little more public with mine, but migraines leave me not sure my next step. I have plans, and I may get to the event and realize, I cannot. A level of acceptance has come to me. I do what I can, and then, accept, with peace, this my offering.
Here’s my question for you. I see you running from event to event. Doing this, running to that, exhausting yourself. May I ask why? The faster you run, the less you notice the details of life, the people in your life, and quite honestly, you. I was you very recently until God stopped me in my tracks.
I have started looking at my week on Sundays and when I realize there are too many things, I start picking them off my schedule. Yes, I have chronic issues, you may not. However, don’t get to the place where chronic stops your life. Begin making shifts to slow your life. Enjoy the breath. Enjoy your coffee, oh, alright, or tea, or…fill in the blank.
Sit in God’s presence. Just sit. Listen for his call for the day. Trust him.
So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord or about me His prisoner, but with me take your share of suffering for the gospel [continue to preach regardless of the circumstances], in accordance with the power of God [for His power is invincible], 9 for He delivered us and saved us and called us with a holy calling [a calling that leads to a consecrated life—a life set apart—a life of purpose], not because of our works [or because of any personal merit—we could do nothing to earn this], but because of His own purpose and grace [His amazing, undeserved favor] which was granted to us in Christ Jesus before the world began [eternal ages ago], 10 but now [that extraordinary purpose and grace] has been fully disclosed and realized by us through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus who [through His incarnation and earthly ministry] abolished death [making it null and void] and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,
2 Timothy 1: 8-10 Amplified
Your purpose, your calling, your witness, my friend, begins with your feet on the ground. Starting your day with him. Dedicating your day to him. Noticing the hurting around you. Slowing down and putting your phone away. Saturday transformed because people stopped and cared.
Also, if you do not see someone with chronic pain, whether physical or emotional, in church, do not make assumptions. Ask questions. Pray. Do not assume that because someone is not coming, they have left the church. Emotional pain bears mentioning here. Large crowds can overwhelm. Loud noises can trigger. Overwhelming scents can trigger.
Move away from your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge Him and he will make your path straight, right? Proverbs 3: 5-6 (my versionish).
So, today, walk over. It could be that you might be the best part of someone’s day today. Write a note. Send a text. A Facebook message.
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